Paper: “UC Experts Can Lead on Carbon Dioxide Removal.” California Agriculture 73 (2): 69–72.

Research Team: Sanchez, D, B Houlton, and W Silver

Findings: UC Cooperative Extension (UCCE) researchers and Agricultural Experiment Station (AES)-appointed faculty hold considerable ex- pertise in carbon removal technologies, whether in working lands management, carbon sequestration, land restoration or forest prod- ucts (fig. 1). They form an essential go-between from basic research
to applied outcomes, working with faculty and student researchers to create material gains for citizens and society. Moreover, UCCE’s trans- disciplinary approach to applied research, outreach and engagement can help commercialize CDR, positioning California for continued technology leadership. When combined with UC’s world-leading edu- cation and research community and system-wide initiatives in climate neutrality, UCCE has the potential to catalyze research discoveries into negative emissions.



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